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Table 2 Physical characteristics of 20 trained and untrained young men

From: Effect of timing of protein and carbohydrate intake after resistance exercise on nitrogen balance in trained and untrained young men


Trained group (n = 10)

Untrained group (n = 10)

Age (years)

23 ± 4

23 ± 1

Height (m)

173.8 ± 3.1

171.8 ± 5.0

Body weight (kg)

72.3 ± 4.3**

64.4 ± 5.0

BMI (kg/m2)

23.9 ± 1.2**

21.8 ± 1.3

Body fat (%)

12.7 ± 2.7*

15.6 ± 2.5

LBM (kg)

63.1 ± 3.8***

54.3 ± 3.3


1.8 ± 0.1***

1.7 ± 0.1

TEE (kcal)

3,204 ± 165***

2,692 ± 257

1RM leg press (kg)

163.5 ± 16.2**

140.0 ± 15.1

1RM bench press (g)

88.1 ± 5.8**

75.6 ± 9.6

1RM lat pull down (kg)

74.5 ± 7.6***

58.5 ± 5.2

  1. Values are means ± SD.
  2. Differences from Untrained group,*P <0.05, **P <0.01, ***P <0.001(paired Student’s t test). BMI, body mass index; LBM, lean body mass; PAL, physical activity level; TEE, total energy expenditure; 1RM, one repetition maximum.