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Table 3 Statistical analysis results—somatic parameters of male and female runners vs inactive participants

From: The effect of regular running on body weight and fat tissue of individuals aged 18 to 65


18–25 years

Diff (d)

26–35 years

Diff (d)

36–45 years

Diff (d)

46–55 years

Diff (d)

56–65 years

Diff (d)


 BH (cm)

 − 0.8NS

 − 0.1NS

 − 0.9NS

 − 0.4

 + 1.7NS

 BM (kg)

 − 3.5NS

 − 5.7* (0.17)

 − 7.2*** (0.31)

 − 9.0*** (0.38)

 − 7.2* (0.30)

 BMI (kg/m2)

 − 0.9NS

 − 1.6* (0.20)

 − 2.0*** (0.31)

 − 2.8*** (0.37)

 − 2.8** (0.33)

 BF (%)

 − 6.3*** (0.55)

 − 5.2*** (0.50)

 − 5.0*** (0.50)

 − 5.5*** (0.55)

 − 5.3*** (0.51)

 VF (cm2)

 − 9.0* (0.22)

 − 18.4*** (0.32)

 − 39.2*** (0.48)

 − 50.5*** (0.50)

 − 56.7** (0.44)


 BH (cm)

 − 0.3NS

 + 0.7NS

 + 1.0NS

 + 1.1NS

 + 2.1NS

 BM (kg)

 − 2.5NS

 − 4.4NS

 − 9.3*** (0.29)

 − 4.4* (0.21)

 − 11.2** (0.34)

 BMI (kg/m2)

 − 1.0NS

 − 1.7NS

 − 3.6*** (0.36)

 − 2.0** (0.28)

 − 4.7** (0.38)

 BF (%)

 − 4.1*** (0.33)

 − 5.9*** (0.53)

 − 6.7*** (0.50)

 − 6.3*** (0.53)

 − 9.0*** (0.54)

 VF (cm2)

 − 8.1* (0.18)

 − 24.2*** (0.38)

 − 34.7*** (0.38)

 − 29.0*** (0.38)

 − 51.9** (0.40)

  1. BH Body height, BM Body mass, BMI Body mass index, BF Body fat, VF Visceral fat, Diff Difference, (d) effect size, NS Non-significant
  2. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001